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How to Pack for a Cross Country Move

Rsdaa 01/10/2021 2812

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Are you about to prepare for a cross country move? This experience can seem both stressful and hopeful at the same time. After all, you’ve decided to pursue a new life chapter. But before you celebrate, it’s time to figure out how you’ll transport your entire household from point A to point B.

Here’s how to pack for a cross country move so that you can avoid any hiccups.

Declutter as Much as Possible

Let’s face it. The $50 TV stand you purchased five years ago doesn’t need to come with you. In fact, you may save money if you leave it behind. You shouldn’t pay to move items you could replace later on. Plus, you won’t waste so much time when you already know what to pack.

Work with your family and friends to

declutter your space

. You’ll want to create five separate categories to sort every object. After you work through each room, it’ll be easier to see what you have left to take. You should make a note whenever you sell, donate or toss an item. This way, you’ll know which objects to replace when you arrive at your new home.

Set aside one or two weekends for this step. Otherwise, you’ll feel rushed.

Look Into Multiple Moving Companies

You shouldn’t settle for any moving company. You need to

look into various businesses

so that you can make an informed decision. Always conduct your own research, too. A loved one’s experience with one service shouldn’t be the sole reason why you choose them. Make sure to look at online reviews and ratings before you hire anyone.

If you don’t need to use a moving company, it’s time to consider other options. You could rent your own truck and drive across the country. You may also want to ship your boxes to a storage facility near your new place before you fly there. There are businesses that can deliver your stuff when you arrive.

In any case, it’s essential to weigh your options before you make a decision. Start this research about two months before you plan to move. You should give your moving company at least four weeks’ notice. It’s also smart to rent a moving truck or storage facility along a similar timeline if you decide to take those routes.

As soon as you know how you’ll move, it’ll be easier to figure out what you’ll do with your stuff.

Pack Objects and Furniture Properly

A cross country move requires a throughout-out plan — especially when it’s time to pack your household. If you don’t prepare properly, it’s likely you’ll arrive at your new home with a few broken items. You can avoid potential woes when you stick to a few key techniques. Here are some tricks to try as you pack:

Keep your dresser packed with clothes.

Stick soft objects like socks between trinkets that could break.

Cover your furniture with bubble wrap and plastic sheets.

Label boxes clearly on each side.

Wrap all glass objects, from makeup to cups.

Pack items from least-used to most-used.

Use wardrobe boxes for coats, suits and dresses.

You should

create a color-coded system

to match objects with their designated rooms. This step can help movers avoid confusion when they have to differentiate between two seemingly similar rooms. For example, you can label all kitchen-related boxes with a yellow highlighter. Make sure to write what’s inside on the box, too.

Take your time to ensure each box looks and feels solid. If you plan to ship your things so that someone can drop them off at your new house, it’s even more important to prioritize a secure box. It’s worth it to spend a little extra on new containers and tape.

Keep All Essential Items Close

As soon as your cross country move starts, it’ll take a few weeks for you to reunite with your stuff. Whether you hire a moving company or ship your boxes beforehand, it’s not like this process can happen overnight. Consider this point as you pack so that you can keep your essential objects on you throughout the journey.

Make sure to pack a bag with essentials like clothes, toiletries and medications. You should also keep valuable objects close. Items such as your grandmother’s ring and your $1,000 laptop shouldn’t leave your side. You never know what could happen throughout your move.

How to Pack For a Cross Country Move

This guide can help you learn how to pack for a cross country move. With fewer items, you’ll be able to pack your belongings quickly and securely before you leave. Try these suggestions for your upcoming cross country move.

PREV: Packing Tips for Moving

NEXT: What Should I Pack In My Car On a Cross-country Move?

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