Author QmpeltatyJoined: 06 Feb 2008Posts: 182Location: PolandPosted: Fri 17 Jan '14 15:38Post subject: HTTPS very slow or not responding I have a problem with slow Apache 2.4.4. It's only related with...
I am working on a tiny little PHP project for a friend of mine, and I have a WAMP environment setup for local development. I remember the days when the response from my local Apache 2.2 was immediate....
Published By -Kelsey TaylorIf you want to enhance your network’s current performance along with its capacity and also want to know what are the requirements in the near future, then you need a technol...
Published By -Kelsey TaylorThe world of IT is actively venturing into virtualization more than ever. Organizations are opting for virtualization owing to the various advantages that it provides.Moreov...
Status: DeprecatedThis article covers a version of Ubuntu that is no longer supported.If you are currently operate a server running Ubuntu 12.04, we highly recommend upgrading or migrating to a suppor...
If you’re new to the world of virtualization, networking configuration can be one of the toughest concepts to grasp. Networking is also different in Hyper-V than in other hypervisors, so even those wi...
In technology virtualization means that a virtual version of something is created and used regardless of the original version. This could be anything from operating systems, servers, storage devices a...
Host multiple subdomains/applications on a single host using DockerDocker becomes more and more suitable for personal environments, especially with private servers, which can be migrated very often.A...
Server VirtualizationServer Virtualization is the process of dividing a physical server into several virtual servers, called virtual private servers. Each virtual private server can run independently....
Docker helps web developers get their apps online without bugs.While it is intuitive and easy to use Docker for development, using Docker in production servers is riddled with problems.Here at Bobcare...
Virtualization occurs when a virtual version of something is created instead of an actual version. With modern virtualization, this could include storage devices, networks, operating systems, or even...
Virtualization happens when a virtual version of something is developed instead of an actual version.This may include storage devices, networks, operating systems, or even servers, with modern virtual...
Unix & Linux Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of Linux, FreeBSD and other Un*x-like operating systems. It only takes a minute to sign up.Sign up to join this community Asked...
Networkworld recently published an interesting article entitled “7 side effects of sloppy virtualization”. This title seems to indicate that the problems server virtualization might cause are solvable...
17 February,2021Jason ParmsPort 443 is the standard HTTPS Port for all the secured transactions and almost 95% of the secured sites use Port 443 for data transfers.If you are a web user or a web owner...
by ben11 " Mon Oct 18, 2010 12:31 am Hi,My OS is Windows Vista home premium service pack 2, I am trying to set up a connection to a MySQL database version 5.1. I started the 3 database...
Master your website Open 21 RegistrationUpcoming event: See how our commerce options can help your business adapt to the shifting landscape at GoDaddy Open 2021 on September 28.Welcome to our .htacces...
While a lot of software for creating and managing scale comes out of supercomputing centers, hyperscalers, and the largest public cloud builders, there is still plenty of innovation being done by peop...
The amount of data being created is continuing to rise exponentially and it’s coming in all shapes and sizes and from myriad locations. It’s structured and – increasingly – unstructured and being gene...
Collect and analyze the dataFind a Technical Support OrganizationWebSphere Application Server V6 ProblemDetermination for Distributed PlatformsNovember 2005 SG2...
Lenovo became a powerhouse in the HPC and supercomputer spaces back in 2014, when it bought IBM’s System x server division for $2.1 billion in a deal that also saw it license storage and system manage...
We can rent as much or as little compute capacity or storage or connectivity as we want, and we can get it when we want it. And we don’t have to maintain or account for any of that hardware. What a gr...