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Solution for could not connect to one or more vCenter Server ...

Rsdaa 27/11/2021 2091

In this article, I’ll discuss the vCenter error message “Could not connect to one or more vCenter Server Systems:https://vCenterFQDN: 443/SDK” as shown below image:

Figure: Could not connect to one or more vCenter Server Systems Error

When we try to login into the vCenter Server using VMware vSphere Web Client, It shows the above error message and we can see only the loading page nothing else.

As per the VMware KB article 2050273, this issue occurs in these situations when using Enhanced Linked Mode:

Another vCenter Server in the Single Sign-On (SSO) domain has restarted or is not fully available following a restart.During the re-installation of vCenter Server, it is possible to have the same vCenter Server registered more than once to Single Sign-On (SSO).With a previous install of vCenter Server, SSL certificates are not overwritten or removed properly during an upgrade or re-installation.


This issue normally occurs in the vCenter Servers which are in an Enhanced Link Mode domain. You need to check if the vCenter Server is reachable from your jump server or base machine. Now moving ahead we have many things to do in order to fix it. Let’s go step by step.

Log in to the vCenter Server Appliance with root credentials.Enter Shell command to get the Shell access to the server.Command> shellShell access is granted to root

3. Also analyze the logs by using below command:

cat /var/log/vmware/vpxd/vpxd.log | grep error

This command will provide you the detailed information about the error message if any and can be worked on the issue accordingly.

In my case, I restarted the vpxd services of the vCenter Server.

4. Run the following commands to stop, start, and check the status of vCenter server:

Stop the vpxd services

service-control --stop vpxd

Start the vpxd services

service-control --start vpxd

Status the vpxd services

service-control --status vpxd

The Final version of the code would be as below:

login as: rootVMware vCenter Server Appliance vCenter Server with an external Platform Services Controllerroot@vc01-techyguy.com's password:Connected to service* List APIs: "help api list"* List Plugins: "help pi list"* Launch BASH: "shell"Command> shellShell access is granted to rootroot@vc01 [ ~ ]# service-control --start vpxdOperation not cancellable. Please wait for it to finish...Performing start operation on service vpxd...Successfully started service vpxdroot@vc01 [ ~ ]# service-control --status vpxdRunning: vpxdroot@vc01 [ ~ ]# service-control --stop vpxdOperation not cancellable. Please wait for it to finish...Performing stop operation on service vpxd...Successfully stopped service vpxdroot@vc01 [ ~ ]# service-control --start vpxdOperation not cancellable. Please wait for it to finish...Performing start operation on service vpxd...Successfully started service vpxd

5. Now you can wait for a while and log into the vCenter Server through vSphere Client. It should work!

Alternatively, you can try below things.

Start the vSphere Web Client services:

Restarting the vSphere Web Client would also work fine to fix the above issue.

service-control --start vsphere-clientservice-control --start vsphere-ui

To stop the services, use below commands:

service-control --stop vsphere-client

You may also stop all services by typing the command:

service-control --stop --all

You may also start all services by typing the command:

service-control --start --all

Hope this will help you to fix the issue of vCenter Server connectivity issue.

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