If the workload-specific datacenter dominates in the near term, it could be RISC-V’s time to shine. While most often associated with embedded devices, there is a push to use RISC-V as the base for AI...
Isn’t it funny how the same hyperscalers who are maniacal about building everything themselves – and who are making a fortune selling access to their infrastructure as cloud services – want you to use...
We said this a long time ago, and we are going to say it again now. One big reason that Intel paid $16.7 billion to buy FPGA maker Altera was that it was hedging on the future of compute in the datace...
Lenovo became a powerhouse in the HPC and supercomputer spaces back in 2014, when it bought IBM’s System x server division for $2.1 billion in a deal that also saw it license storage and system manage...
The Fugaku supercomputer, based on the Arm-driven A64FX processor and custom Fujitsu Tofu-D fabric, has been proven architecturally on a number of HPC and large-scale AI benchmarks and has drawn consi...
In a world where Moore’s Law is slowing and hardware has to be increasingly co-designed with the system software stack and the applications that run above it, the matrix of possible combinations of ha...
It is a relatively quiet International Supercomputing conference on the hardware front, with no new processors or switch ASICs being announced from the usual suspects. While Trish Damkroger, general m...
Last week, we introduced the Perlmutter supercomputer, the next-gen system at NERSC that will likely secure the #5 spot on the Top 500 list of the world’s most powerful machines. In that piece we kept...
There are some unique developments afoot at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), which stands to reason for the only HPC site to be housed in a former church.The site will be home to the world’s...
The amount of data being created is continuing to rise exponentially and it’s coming in all shapes and sizes and from myriad locations. It’s structured and – increasingly – unstructured and being gene...
The hybrid cloud is convincing established players that they need to play on both sides of the net, in the cloud (as well as the edge) and on premises. We’ve seen Amazon Web Services (with its Outpost...
We can rent as much or as little compute capacity or storage or connectivity as we want, and we can get it when we want it. And we don’t have to maintain or account for any of that hardware. What a gr...
The tight linkage between chip designs and chip manufacturing processes has caused its share of havoc in the IT sector, and it is getting worse as Moore’s Law has slowed and Dennard scaling died a dec...
by ben11 " Mon Oct 18, 2010 12:31 am Hi,My OS is Windows Vista home premium service pack 2, I am trying to set up a connection to a MySQL database version 5.1. I started the openOffice.org 3 database...
Master your website Open 21 RegistrationUpcoming event: See how our commerce options can help your business adapt to the shifting landscape at GoDaddy Open 2021 on September 28.Welcome to our .htacces...
While a lot of software for creating and managing scale comes out of supercomputing centers, hyperscalers, and the largest public cloud builders, there is still plenty of innovation being done by peop...
The amount of data being created is continuing to rise exponentially and it’s coming in all shapes and sizes and from myriad locations. It’s structured and – increasingly – unstructured and being gene...
Collect and analyze the dataFind a resolutionibm.com/redbooksInternational Technical Support OrganizationWebSphere Application Server V6 ProblemDetermination for Distributed PlatformsNovember 2005 SG2...
Lenovo became a powerhouse in the HPC and supercomputer spaces back in 2014, when it bought IBM’s System x server division for $2.1 billion in a deal that also saw it license storage and system manage...
We can rent as much or as little compute capacity or storage or connectivity as we want, and we can get it when we want it. And we don’t have to maintain or account for any of that hardware. What a gr...